Public Domain Super Heroes
Argonauts Lorenzo Costa 001
Argonauts by Lorenzo Costa

Real Names



The Argonauts (Ancient Greek: Ἀργοναῦται, Argonautai) were a band of heroes in Greek mythology, who in the years before the Trojan War, accompanied Jason to Colchis in his quest to find the Golden Fleece. Their name comes from their ship, the Argo, named after its builder, Argus. "Argonauts" literally means "Argo sailors". They were sometimes called Minyans, after a prehistoric tribe in the area.

Public Domain Appearances

  • The Argonautica by Gaius Valerius Flaccus, a first-century AD Latin epic poem.
  • The Argonautica by Apollonius of Rhodes, a Hellenistic, Greek epic poem.

See also
