Public Domain Super Heroes

Real Name


First Appearance

Feature Comics #107 (February 1947)

Original Publisher


Created by

John Cassone?


Crimesmith was a murderous criminal genius who made extremely advanced weapons for organized crime syndicates. He was eventually caught and served time in jail, but he continued to keep up on advances in science and technology. When he was released, he developed the Hand of Horror to kill those who had sent him to prison, including the arresting officer, Harney, Judge Wight and science expert Dr. Roberts. However, Doll Man, a friend of Roberts, stopped the Hand and followed it back to Crimesmith's lair.

Powers and Abilities[]

Crimesmith was a technological genius, capable of creating advanced robotics. He claimed to have been more of a physical threat in his earlier career.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • Feature Comics #107