Public Domain Super Heroes
Black Orchid

Real Name

Diana Dawn

First Appearance

Tops Comics (1944)

Original Publisher

Consolidated Book Publishers

Created by

Albert Magarian & Florence Magarian


Preparing for Battle


Glamorous Diana Dawn, district attorney Richard Day's secretary, was - unbeknownst to him - masquerading as the mysterious female sleuth "the Black Orchid." She solved crimes with the aid of a ring that contains "black gas" that knocked out her opponents.

In her first adventure, Black Orchid took on (the somewhat unfortunately named) Doctor Arso to regain some stolen surgical papers; and she fought zombies, too. In the second adventure, she battled a man named Carson (and his Torchmen) who had kidnapped a scientist.

Unlike many heroes, Black Orchid wore a multi-piece costume made up of a skirt, an overcoat and a leotard. It was a good thing, too, because her overcoat and skirt always got damaged during the course of her stories, forcing her to discard them.


Somehow her clothes have come off -- again!

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • Tops Comics

See Also[]
