Public Domain Super Heroes

"I don't expect the average person to believe in ghosts...anymore than people "believed" in the New World before Columbus discovered it! Maybe it's a gift---or perhaps a curse---but whatever makes some people see ghosts---I've got it!"

The Specialist in Spooks

Real Name

Elliot O'Donnell

First Appearance

Adventures into the Unknown #4 (April 1949)

Original Publisher


Created by

Charles Sultan


At the age of 18, in the year of 1892, Elliot O'Donnell rented an apartment. He clearly observed a ghost one night in the apartment. After academic failure, he decided to study the supernatural world inhabited by ghosts and other entities. He enjoyed a successful career investigating claims of the supernatural and helping free people from supernatural manifestations.

As an example, Elliot is shown to exorcise a werewolf haunting a house.

Powers and abilities[]

Elliot has an uncanny ability to detect ghosts and other supernatural beings. He can acknowledge the existence of such creatures and exorcise them.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • Adventures into the Unknown #4