Public Domain Super Heroes

Real Name


First Appearance

Amazing Adventures #4 (July-Aug. 1951)

Original Publisher


Created by

Dan Barry, Sy Barry


Captain John Strong leads a group of space-pioneers to Ganymede. Along with him are included Peter and his sister Peggy. Peggy is in love with Captain Strong.

Settling on Ganymede becomes complex when a man named Maddock discovers diamonds, gold, and uranium. Maddock and his cohorts desire to return to Earth with their new riches. Captain Strong assures Maddock the Ganymede settlement is the true treasure. Maddock and John square off with fists, with Maddock as the decided loser in the argument.

Maddock and his lackeys blow up the food stores in an attempt to get the people to leave Ganymede. Captain Strong can't prove Maddock's involvement, but lets the man know his suspicions.

John sets up a hydroponic garden to support the food needs of the colony using the rocket's power to grow the food. Maddock uses a gun to insist on taking the rocket and returning to Earth. Instead of fighting the maneuver, Captain Strong agrees to go along with Maddock and his men as a pilot and astronavigator. Peggy bemoans falling for Strong, whom Peter calls a "cowardly space-crawler" for the Captain's treachery.

Once in space, John takes over the ship with a raygun. He accidentally-on-purpose turns on the radio. The broadcast from Earth states a nigh inexhaustible supply of uranium has been discovered on the moon, making the discovery on Ganymede worthless.

Captain John Strong tells Maddock and his men that the announcement saves them from being criminals a terrible scoundrels to boot. Strong changes course to return to Ganymede and Peggy, the woman he loves.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • Amazing Adventures #4