Public Domain Super Heroes
Phantom Lady

Real Name

Sandra Knight

First Appearance

Police Comics #1 (1941)

Original Publisher


Created by

Arthur Peddy

Quality Phantom Lady

Quality's Phantom Lady


Sandra Knight, the daughter of Senator Henry Knight, is a Washington D.C. socialite who fights crime as the costumed heroine known as the Phantom Lady. She has no super powers. She is, however, a skilled fighter and uses a blacklight ray (like the Owl) to project darkness and make herself invisible. She was engaged to Don Borden, the agent of the State Department's counter-intelligence division - though the fact that she was engaged didn't stop Sandra from occasionally flirting with other men.

Phantom Lady teamed up with Spider Widow and the Raven on several occasions in a series of consecutive stories.


Fox's Phantom Lady

While Phantom Lady has a secret identity, she did not wear any kind of disguise. It is unclear how most people wouldn't recognize the famous socialite, but it's even more puzzling when one considered that her father and her fiance weren't able to recognize her, either. To her creators' credit, though, Phantom Lady was occasionally depicted wearing a mask during her appearances in Police Comics. Usually, it was a black or white domino mask. In Police Comics #15, she wore a yellow curtain mask similar to the Clock's.

During the time her stories were published by Fox Feature Syndicate, her rogues gallery included the Avenging Skulls, the Fire Fiend, the Killer Clown, Kurtz, the Robbing Robot, the Subway Slayer, and Vulture.


Ajax's Phantom Lady

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • Feature Comics #69-71
  • Police Comics #1-23
  • All Top Comics #8-17
  • Phantom Lady #13-23
  • Phantom Lady #5(1)-4
  • Wonder Boy #17-18


  • Phantom Lady was originally published by Quality Comics. When Iger Studios stopped producing art for Quality Comics, Iger took the character to Fox Feature Syndicate under the assumption he owned the rights. There, she appeared in her own title. While the character's design was tweaked, her background and supporting cast remained the same. In the 1950s, Ajax-Farrell acquired the rights to the Phantom Lady comic and continued the title. To conform to the rules set forth by the recently-formed Comics Code Authority, Phantom Lady's costume was again altered, to something more modest.
  • Phantom Lady stories published by all three companies were reprinted during the 1960s and '70s by Star Comics and I.W. Publications.
  • The character's team-up with the Raven's in Police Comics #20 was later used by Canadian comic book artist, Jerry Lazare, to tell the story of the Wing teaming up with Nitro.

See Also[]
