Public Domain Super Heroes
Mister Midnite
Mr. Midnight
Mister Midnite

Real Name

Neil Carruthers

First Appearance

Silver Streak Comics #1

Original Publisher

Lev Gleason

Created by


Golden Age Origin

Neil Carruthers III (sometimes "Neal Carruthers") is a wealthy young American sportsman who has an inexplicable ability to stop time and light at will. Neil is bored enough to try putting this talent to use helping the police. Donning a tuxedo, a cape, and a domino mask, he assumes the identity of Mister Midnite. He leaves behind a calling card featuring a watch dial with the hands set at midnight. He gets his information through his friend, Police Chief Birey, who has no idea that Neil is Mister Midnite. The chief does not like Mister Midnite because he constantly gives the police force a bad reputation.

Golden Age Appearances

  • Silver Streak Comics #1-2


  • Will-O-Wisp is a vantrilloquist pickpocket. He uses a glowing orb, either projected by him or is a device created by him, to distract people as he pickpockets them. He has commited more than twenty thefts and they have had an effect on the police, the people and even the crime underworld.
  • Noman is a bald humanoid who possesses incredible strength and no pupils. He is described as easy to track. He requires a serum to become as powerful as he does and requires rest after a fight. He rests in a coffin.
  • Boss is a Crime Lord in the underworld of the city Mister Midnite protects. His operations are affected by Will-O-Wisp, causing him to dislike the villain.
  • The Little Men are a race of small men, possibly aliens. Most are bald, but some have a streak of hair down the center of their head. They have large ears, noses and have fangs. They seek to purge the world of beauty, especially women. They enjoy torture and distruction, having little regard for human life. They do not seem to know much of humans as they use a red gas that does not affect humans, but disintegrates Little Men. They keep these gases and othe torture weapons in their Torture Dungeon under a rock pile in a grove outside the city limits.
  • Slip is a thug who works under the Boss. He has a talent for impersonating voices, demonstrated when he poses as Chief Birey during a phone call. He uses a small club in fights and is often seen smoking.
  • Gunner is another thug who works under the Boss. He prefers use of a gun, but seems cowardly, as when he flees upon arrival of Will-O-Wisp.


  • He stops time at midnight on the seventh chime of the clock
  • The police commisioner is named J. C. Wade
  • He says "Time proceed" to resume the flow of time