Public Domain Super Heroes
The Musician

Real Name

Tietjamus Toips

First Appearance

John Dough and the Cherub (1906)

Original Publisher

Reilly & Britton

Created by

L. Frank Baum


Tietjamus Toips is a fluffy-haired musician who lives on the Isle of Phreex in a room in the Royal Palace. He created discordant music. He played it for John Dough and was overjoyed when John admitted he could not understand it.

Public Domain Appearances[]


Toips's name appears to derive from that of Paul Tietjens, a composer with whom Baum worked on several projects. Since Baum and Tietjens had, as far as is known, a good professional and personal relationship, this parody of Tietjens's name may be nothing more than harmless fooling (Baum could poke gentle fun at targets for which he had serious regard — like the woman's rights movement).

See Also[]
