Public Domain Super Heroes
Nathan Hale

Real Name

Hale "Souvenir" Battle/Nathan Hale

First Appearance

Silver Streak #12 (Lev Gleason, July 1941)

Original Publisher

Lev Gleason

Created by

Jack Binder & Carl Formes

Golden Age Origin

Nathan Hale was Captain Battle's side-kick. He was found an orphan as a demon like creature called a Deaglo, Captain Battle changed him back to a human while fighting his master the Black Dragon in Asia. Upon returning to human form, Nathan couldn't recall anything about his past except his name. Captain Battle adopted him and allowed him to become his sidekick under the name Hale "Souvenir" Battle. Souvenir was a nickname that Hale earned for liking to collect souvenirs from his adventures.(Captain Battle #2) He helped Captain Battle fight foes such as Baron Doom.


Nathan Hale was good fighter. Like Captain Battle, he used a luceflyer anti-gravity jetpack and a disssolvo gun.


Captain Battle Jr. was not the name Nathan Hale used in his golden age appearances in fact Captain Battle's biological son William Battle held that title. Also during a reprinted story Nathan's first name was changed to Kane.

Golden Age Appearances

  • Silver Streak Comics #12
  • Captain Battle #2-5

See Also

International Hero
